Monday, July 22, 2013

Quick update from the weekend!

I went to a cousins birthday party over the weekend and I was able to get some more practice with my new camera.  I had also had another cousin ask if I could snap some photos for her and her fiance's save the date's, I agreed and have to admit I was soo excited and honestly didnt know why she had chosen ME, but I felt honored!

Here are some of the photos I snapped this weekend! I am impressed at my skills so far.  I still have LOTS to learn.

Let me know what you think!!!


  1. I love the photos! Just a friendly tip - you might want to resize them on your computer, so they'll take up less space in Google ''storage'', so you don't run out of space faster than you should :) I just learned I should do that, and I've been blogging for 4 years, lol.

    Tanja (I blog at Bake City Life)

    1. Thank you Tanja for that advice, I would have never known. I checked out your blog, very cute! Thank you for stopping by!


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